Biodiversity Loss In Canada Essay

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Biodiversity Loss in Northern Manitoba
Lucy Yang
Biodiversity is the variety of life that is around us. This could range from marine animals, robins, and even the trees present in our own backyards. Despite how humans make some effort to enjoy and preserve our biodiversity, the negative contributions we have made to climate change have and are continuing to increase the numbers of the losses in our biodiversity. More specifically, in Northern Manitoba, there are several different factors that have lead to the loss of biodiversity which include but are not limited to deforestation, forest fires and extremely different peaks and lows for overall temperature. There are many plants and animals that are being affected by climate change and overall loss of biodiversity, like our beloved polar bear. This report will focus on why …show more content…

The impact that biodiversity loss is creating has become a problem for several reasons. As well, because Northern Manitoba is at a relatively close distance with Inuit dominated regions like Nunavut, many of the problems that are encountered are present in both regions. The first problem caused by loss of biodiversity is a decrease in demand and therefore a decrease in economy. To elaborate, in many northern regions, tourism is one of the highest-paying or,even in some cases, the only paying industry. Tourism is critical for the economy in Manitoba as in 2003 alone it was responsible for $1.39 billion in revenue and providing around 17,100 jobs. Adding on, polar bear viewings in Northern Manitoba like Churchill rely on a strong biodiversity to keep the polar bears healthy and alive to keep bringing business to these areas. These polar bears are