Brown V. Board Of Education Case Study

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The Civil War had ended slavery; however, after the war another conflict had arisen known as segregation. Throughout this time period, African Americans and whites were divided in every means possible like having different restaurants, bathrooms, places to live, and even schools which would be known as Jim Crow Laws. African Americans were treated very wrongfully and the way to being treated equally first started throughout the schools. The case Brown v. Board of Education presents a conflict for African Americans being treated unequally in the educational system and in society. This case was a major turning point for African Americans being treated rightfully in society. According to Balkin and Ackerman, “on May 17,1954, the Supreme Court of the United States handed down one of its most famous opinions known as Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas” (10). The main case in the spotlight was from Kansas, but the Court had heard the same racial problem from different places. They go on to state, “ the case called Brown was actually a collection of five cases, from Delaware (Gebhart v. Belton), Kansas (Brown v. Board of Education), South Carolina (Briggs v. Elliot), Virginia (Davis v. County School Board of Prince Edward …show more content…

Board of Education has affected everybody’s life in some way. The color of somebody's skin or where they come from does not determine the amount and kind of education an American can receive. This case led for anybody to have equal opportunity rather than stating someone can have a different kind of opportunity. Brown v. Board of Education inspired the civil rights movement which led to other equal opportunities. This case illustrated that if something is unjust in this country than by speaking up can deliver the right decision for changing the future. Due to this, we all sit together today in one classroom and the color of your skin does not determine the opportunities you have, but the decisions you make. Works