
Budget Cuts In Schools

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Albert Einstein once said, “The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.” Education plays a crucial role in student ability to learn. With the school going through budget cut, we are hindering the learning process.” Due to the budget cuts, the light at edge the tunnel has been turned off”. The challenges schools are facing during budget cuts, Limited resource supply, schools not being able to provide extra curriculum activities to students and most importantly the poor quality of education.
Few resources supply
Most schools in the United States of America are supplied with very limited resources by the government. This puts a pressure on the head teachers especially when the issue of budgeting is addressed. The head teachers must allocate resources for the staff and the development of the school and at the same time provide quality lifestyle for the students to learn in (Zusman, 2005). The limited resources can lead to head teachers together with the board members laying off some of the staff so that the extra resource spared is used in an urgent and mandatory financing. However, not all staffs are easy to lay off, this creates an even more challenge for the head teachers. To use the resources …show more content…

This brings the issue of the quality of education that our students receive in the school; with limited staff because of laying off staff, leaves a lot of work for the remaining staff to cover as they are overloaded and others end up feeling redundant in their jobs (Parrett & Budge, 2016). The students are also not allowed to relax their body and mind through extra-curricular activities which makes them dull in class and the level of academic intelligence deteriorates. In the long run, the school which had solved the budget challenges is encountered with another challenge of poor performance because of poor education quality being offered to the

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