Bullying Outline

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The Secret Life of the Bullied By: Hansel Desouza (Topic Sentence) Stand up for the rights of the weak. (Background) Jamie Nabozny, a child of a small town in Wisconsin, was constantly being tormented from 7th grade to 12th grade (because of his sexual orientation), even after running away to escape the bullies. The school district he was at turned (Personification) a blind eye towards the bullies. The principal was informed many times, but nothing was done. Eventually, the bullies even went so far as to injure Jamie almost fatally. (Hook) Did the school district do the right thing to not get involved in this young boy’s story? (Thesis) In the Bullied documentary, the producers use a format of switching between real-life Jamie and actors as …show more content…

(Evidence that Supports your Point/Assertion from Documentary) Jamie, as shown in the documentary, was only allowed (Academic Vocab) solace from school in one teacher’s classroom during lunch and brunch. As a result, that teacher basically kept him safe and sane while he was in school. Ultimately, Nabozny would have successfully committed suicide without people like her who cared for him. (Elaboration of Point and Evidence) Nabozny was had no escape, whether in his social life or just in regular life. He had no help until his teacher came along, and several times he was quoted (Supporting Quote) to say that he would have (successfully) committed suicide. The teacher spoke to the principal and supported Jamie during the turbulent years, and her help was remembered by Jamie forever. (Explain how Main Point and Example(s) Support Thesis Statement) You should support people’s inviolable rights because you can help people who have no future. (Significance) Nabozny himself basically admitted that he had no future. People like his beloved teacher brought him to where he is today, a prosperous man with a good