Interstate cannabis commerce - pitfalls and challenges
Cannabis is used for many different purposes, for example, it can be used for medication or as a stimulant. Under the United States law, it is illegal to transport, possess or use cannabis unless authorized to do so by the concerning authorities. Some states have their own laws that define the use of This plant. For example, in California, if a person has the proper documents, the authorities cannot arrest that person. One of the challenges that many of the authorities face is tracking the small growers and distributors of the cannabis. The growers have resulted into planting the cannabis plant in their homes, making it impossible for the police to track them down. One other challenge is
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Different States have, however, realized the use of cannabis as a medicine. As a result of these, many States have come up with Sate laws that regulate the use of cannabis within their State. Many of the State citizens have made complaints about the laws and have gone as far as zoning the marijuana dispensaries making them not to operate in their local communities. Some of the States that have medical marijuana laws include Arizona, Alaska, Colorado, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, Main, Massachusetts, Montana, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Washington, DC, Washington, Vermont, Rhode Island and Oregon. Its however good to note that all the laws have different claws, which stipulates how the cannabis is to be used. For example, its only in Arizona and Maine where nonresidents can apply for the cards while in other states other non residents cannot apply for the medical marijuana …show more content…
There are states that are also working together to fight against the adoption of the cannabis laws into their State laws. For example, States like Aricona, Maine, Montana and Rhode Island accept medical marijuana cards from other states. Examples of States that do not allow other residence from outside the country to use their cards in their state include Vermont, New Mexico, Oregon, Hawaii, Nevada, California and Colorado. The only two states that will allow a nonresident to apply for a marijuana medical card are Maine and