Pros And Cons Of Medical Marijuana

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Medical Marijuana Medical marijuana seems to be a big topic now days. Some people are for it and some against it. What if people actually did research on it and, knew the pros and cons of it?
Medical cannabis (or medical marijuana) refers to the use of cannabis and its constituent cannabinoids, such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiods (CBD), as medical therapy to treat disease or alleviate symptoms (Wikipedia2015). Marijuana has been around for thousands of years and has been used by many different cultures. Marijuana can be administered in many different forms such as edible food products, smoking dried buds, capsules, vaporizing it, and oral sprays. There are many different reasons why it should be legalized for medical purposes. Medical marijuana can be used to help with glaucoma. When someone has glaucoma it puts pressure on the eye and, when using marijuana it helps relive that pressure. It can also help slow down the process of the disease. Another benefit of the use of medical marijuana is that it may actually help prevent cancer. It helps by stopping a gene called ID-1. Researchers studied high levels gene in breast cancer and they treated it with medical cannabis. After using medical marijuana it actually decreased this gene that causes it to …show more content…

Some people are against and some are for it. There have been twenty-three states that have legalized marijuana. Only four have legalized it for recreational purposes. The four states that have legalized if for recreational purposes are Oregon, Alaska, Colorado and, District of Columbia. There are also some states where they have eliminated criminal penalties for small amounts of marijuana. The states that have legalized are Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Maryland, New Jersey and Rhode Island, this is just to name a few. It is possible that more states will legalize marijuana in the near