Case Study Student Answers

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Student Answer: In this narrative case study involved an organizational change that was predicated upon the necessity for a large insurance company to consolidate their, regional claims offices into one location following the economic downturns that occurred in the economy. Christine who is a claim manager for the national insurance company for Westchester Zone is now over implementing a major reorganization, four offices under that would be consolidated to one location by the end of the year (Rosenberg, 2003). By Christine moving the offices to one location it would help the company cut cost for some regional areas and ones which would include Westchester Zone organization.Critical issues that Christine and the organization would face is …show more content…

Even though each office may have a different culture of the way they do things, some offices would have to adapt to a different culture. Also, some managers have a different style of management. Most managers allow their team to create a culture and process the work as long as it abides by the organization's guidelines. Another reason could be that it would be difficult for a new manager to come into an office and change the culture. A lot of times new managers can only attempt to manage an existing cultural organization. Managers often set the tone for a type of culture that will be represented in their organization. Every manager is not the same and some managers differ and focuses on different areas. Also, subculture may develop and sometimes becomes greater than the actual organizational culture. Different organizational cultures even within the same office exist because of the subculture. When an organization often obtain many cultures in an organization even though they are located in the same facility they will have their own way of subculture their own organization (Sackmann, 1992). In this case study, the organization should determine how cultures differ and identify the values and assumptions that constitute them (Sackmann, 1992). However, because culture is difficult to define, organizations may have trouble maintaining consistency in their message about culture (Sackmann, 1992). Overall in this case study, the team must demonstrate concern for others and regional cultures often differ from the overall culture that top leaders try to instill. ReferenceSackmann, S.A (1992) Culture And Subcultures. An Analysis Of Organizational Knowledge. Administrative Science Quarterly, 37(1),

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