
Childhood Violence Research Paper

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Childhood violence is a big issue and as we go through life it will keep getting worse. There are many different things that one could do to a child for it to be considered child abuse. A large amount of people have never heard of baby shaking syndrome; it is one main issue that is factored in with childhood violence. People can find it very frustrating when a baby is crying and the baby will not stop no matter what they try to do to help the baby. So, they get themselves all worked up to the point where they literally shake the baby to death. What happens is when the baby’s head is being jerked back and forth the brain gets injured. Not all babies die from this issue, some of them just have minor injuries to the brain. Unfortunately, most of the babies do pass away from baby shaking syndrome. Since the issue is getting worse people all around the world are trying to put a stop to baby shaking syndrome. There are many advertisements on found on baby shaking syndrome and now it is mandatory for all mothers to watch an intense video on it before they leave the hospital with their newborn. There are two advertisements that seem like they are very touching on the subject, and they both are meant to try and stop people from shaking their babies to death. The first advertisement is by the children protection trust fund, advertisement A. The other …show more content…

There is a picture on the advertisement of a baby that is crying, and there is a calm person holding the baby; this shows that one should remain calm even though the baby is crying. This advertisement lets one know that it can be very frustrating when a baby will not stop crying, but shaking the baby should not be ones reaction. Advertisement A is very straight forward, letting the reader know exactly what could happen to the

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