Christian Beliefs About Marriage And Divorce

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Many Christians today have questions regarding marriage and divorce. They want to know how to handle difficult situations in their marriage and what their biblical options are. God gave us the Bible as an instruction manual to answer our questions, but it is not always easy to determine exactly how to interpret some scriptures. It is usually a good idea to seek Godly counsel before making life-altering decisions. In order to help someone with marital questions, we must first ask the question, “What is the biblical teaching on marriage?” In the beginning God gave us marriage for the good of mankind (Elwell, p.740). The Bible says that God saw that it was not good for man to be alone, so He took a rib from man and made woman. The Bible teaches that because she was taken out of man, therefore man should leave his parents and shall cleave until his wife and they shall become one (Genesis 2:18-25). So from this first marriage, we see that marriage is between one man and one woman. God tells us in the Bible to be fruitful and multiple (Genesis 1:28). God instituted marriage so that men and women might complete …show more content…

It is important for anyone considering marriage to understand the reason God ordained marriage. It was not just for companionship or procreation. It is meant to develop the Christian character; a man and wife should learn to love and forgive each other just as God does. Marriage is meant to be an exclusive relationship and total unity between a husband and wife. Divorce impacts the entire family and spiritually a Christian may ask, “Why me Lord, if You love me”. This kind of impact can cause the Christian to doubt or get mad at God and this just pleases Satan, as this is his goal (1 Peter 5:8). The breaking down of the family unit causes damage to society through the implementation of blended families and the separation and resentment of the child/parent