Classroom Management Plan Paper

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Positive environments are critical to behavior management and learning outcomes. If undesirable behaviors are present in the school and classroom, they affect the learning and well being of students. This paper describes a school-wide and classroom management plan that enables educators to create a healthy and positive environment for middle school learners.
School-Wide Management Plan
A school-wide management plan that creates and sustains a positive middle school learning environment involves the collaboration of committed educators, students, families, and community members. I have constructed a school-wide management plan that is comprised of a collection of ten research-based strategies. The first involves the development of a school Vision/Mission Statement and Code of Conduct. Proverbs 29:18 say, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (KJV). This verse can be applied to middle schools. A code of conduct will maintain a safe and orderly school environment. Manning & Bucher (2012) state “School rules should be simplified and made more positive. Fewer rules would be better than a long, detailed …show more content…

The team would be comprised of a diverse group of people with different talents and gifts who will use them as good stewards of God’s grace (1 Peter 4:10-11, ESV). The team members will also serve as the positive behavior interventions and support (PBIS) team as well. They will develop strategies for creating, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors (Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports, 2015). This team will get to know students, help improve interpersonal relationships between learners and educators, and develop more positive teaching and learning environments (Manning & Bucher, 2012, p.