Classroom Management Philosophy

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In my philosophy of education, I breifly addressed my philosophy on behavior say that while I believe behaviorism is affective for behavior management, I do not think behaviorism concepts such as rewards should be given for academic reasons. However, rewards do play apart in my behavioral philosophy but the main aspect I discussed in my philosophy was love. I believe that every classroom should be a loving and welcoming envirnoment focused on good relationships. Wanting every child to have a place they feel loved and safe was my number one reason for exploring the option of teaching, so I think it is important that I stick to that philosophy and built a classroom environment that is safe managed in love. My ideal management plan focuses mainly …show more content…

I will start all my lessons with clear instructions so that the class knows what is expected of them. I will also check for understanding before releasing students to complete a task. During the task I will be circling around to assist any students that need help. I will also use management cues to help signal the class if they are off task or need to refocus. I love the idea of having focus cues that let the class know they are too loud and need to listen but I also love the use of transitional cues to help students remember exepctation while transitioning. A great example of this are hallway rhymes. I will use a hallway rhyme to remind my class of the appropriate way to use the hallway. When students are working in groups I will be sure that groups are chosen with the specific activity in mind. If I know too students can be chatty then they are better off paired together during a free time. I will be selective in picking groups so each student can benefit from group work. I will also make sure that during individual work time students are in a seat where they can focus. In some cases students may benefit from a seat at the front of the class or by me. If a student becomes an issue during either group or individual work time I will first ask them if he or she is following our respect rules. If this does not refocus the …show more content…

A student could lose his or her routine stick for forgetting to bring back a homework folder or not having a reading book ready after recess. These sticks are only used for one or two weeks after a new routine has been introduced. During this times students are aware of the routine that affects the stick. This is a stick that I will pull when I see a student not following the new routine, I will occationally reward students for learning new routines by placing a small prize on top of their pocket. After the two trial weeks of the routine, it becomes apart of the discipline sticks. I believe that this will help students learn new routines but not punish them for forgetting something new. If a student becomes a repeat offender and regularly disrupts class then the student and I will have a meeting to discuss his or her behavior. At this point I think it is important to have a converstation that asks the student to describe what they think they did wrong and what they can do to fix it. I prefer students to lead the converstation while creating goals and a contract, I think this gets the student more on board. If the student is non-compliant I will guide them through this discussion using statements like, “When you talk while I am talking it makes it very hard for other students to hear. Is that fair for other students?” By asking a student to consider how his or her actions affect others I hope to use