Supporting Teaching And Learning Essay

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One of the learning theories within the Further Educational sector is Behaviourism, as rewards and consequences play a big part in the learners learning journey. Gravell (2015) explains that there are ground rules for learners to abide by from the beginning of the course which could be drawn up with the learner’s involvement has this would encourage them to take responsibility for their actions and learners are more likely to follow them. She also states that creating ground rules and boundaries will help learning to take place, safe learning environment and therefore preventing classroom behaviour or disruption.
Within Behaviourism positive reinforcement will encourage positive behaviour from the learners to stay on track as they understand the important of achieving the grades and the reward of receiving a certificate. Helping learners to aspire will give them a reason and purpose to do the best they can do. …show more content…

There are several methods within the behavioural theory which can be used to address negative reinforcement. The use of contracts is one method, where the tutor, learner and parents would work together to set goals within the contract and support the learner to achieve the targets set. The contract could be used to address attendance issues, failing to meet assignment deadlines and behaviour with in the classroom.
If learners achieve their grade they will be able to progress on to the next level which will take them closer to their chosen career, but if they do not achieve their grades not progressing will be a consequence of them not achieving.
Guess speakers who work in the profession are encouraged to talk to learners as they are walked in their shoe and can relate to