Classroom Management Philosophy

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In the middle school years, young adolescents are transitioning into their own people. They are going through puberty, experiencing drama for the first time, and testing new waters. As a teacher in a middle school classroom, it is important to be in control to ensure a safe and prosperous learning environment. As a teacher, I should always be aware and observant of what is happening in my classroom. Teachers should promote a welcoming and supportive environment for all students. In order for my students and myself to function to the best of our ability, there needs to be a high level of control and guidance in the classroom.

The classroom management model that I would align my style to is Assertive Discipline by Canter and Canter. …show more content…

Some students coming into my classroom might be extremely well behaved, and others might have zero respect for me. This can be challenging as a teacher so that is why it is important to establish a relationship of mutual respect right from the minute they walk through the door. If you show students that you respect them then they will most likely show you that same respect. This also goes along with giving both students and myself rights in the classroom. If a student wants to voice their opinion then they should be able to do so without feeling like they have no value. It is important to be a positive role model for students who don’t know how to behave or respect others. I believe that it is important to constantly model appropriate behavior for students. Students can sometimes be disruptive without even realizing it, so it is crucial to model good behavior. I view students as young adults and will treat them as such. If students are viewed as adults they are more likely to behave that way. Treating them as young adults aligns with that relationship of mutual respect. The teacher is still in control, but everyone has rights and is treated fairly and …show more content…

It is important that we discuss these expectations so students will know what to expect in the classroom. We will also discuss the consequences and how they will be implemented if these rules are broken. I will allow students to give their input on these rules so everyone feels that they have a say. These rules will be posted on our wall and class website so students and parents will be able to refer to them at any time. Having a system of punishments for misbehaviors aligns with Canter and Canter’s Assertive Discipline model. There will be a discipline hierarchy and students will know what to expect when they break the rules. I will never throw a punishment at them that they do not deserve or do not