Cnlbp Case Studies

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1. Introduction: Chronic nonspecific low back pain (CNSLBP) (i.e., low back pain of at least 12 weeks’ duration and without a specific cause)(1, 2) is one of the most common health conditions worldwide(3). Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is highly associated with disability (1), emotional changes (2), and work absenteeism (1). Given that chronic low back pain is very prevalent (4), the costs associated with this condition are very high (5). Approximately 60% of patients with CLBP did not consider themselves recovered in a period of 1 year from the onset of symptoms, with moderate levels of pain and disability persisting over time (6, 7). Therefore, many of these patients become frequent users of health care services in order to find treatments …show more content…

The Institutional Ethical Committee of Nirmal Hospital Pvt. Ltd., Surat had approved the research protocol. Subsequently, the protocol was registered retrospectively in Clinical Trial Registry of India bearing registration number CTRI/2017/007683. All enrolled patients gave their written informed consent. 2.2 Design The design of this study was an observational study, using a lottery method; the enrolled patients were allocated into either experimental group or control group. Each patient received a total of five treatments per week for 8 weeks, and follow-up was measured at the end of 4th week and 8th week. 2.3 Treatment 2.3.1 Experimental …show more content…

The essence of all core muscle training is to increase both endurance and stability in the trunk and spine in order to provide a more stable base for arm and leg movements. Therefore week 3 is to introduce active movements of the arms and legs whilst holding the core in a contracted state. All exercises should be completed in a slow, controlled manner with little movement of the pelvic girdle. Below is a toolkit of exercises to be used by the physiotherapist. The stage-1 is Education. In which the physiotherapist explains the importance of core muscles in regards to trunk/spine stability and arm/leg movements. The stage-2 is Stability contractions . Here exercises

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