Climate Change Lab Report

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The purpose of this assignment lab was for us to determine if there has been a decrease or increase in carbon dioxide emission in the data we were given in the past forty years. I have observed the data collected in five different locations around the world. The locations I have observed were in Summit Greenland, Hawaii, American Samoa, Alaska and the South Pole. Each one of the location was verified by its location code and the level of carbon dioxide within the years observed.
In this lab assignment each graph shows the level of carbon dioxide from a time frame of 1950 to 2005. It is up to us to look at the data and determine how much the carbon dioxide had increased or decreased over the years. Rather, then just take a short period of …show more content…

The methods that I will use in this lab are to look at each location as well as the graph for that location to determine the change in the carbon dioxide levels over the years. Now in doing this I will be able to determine whether or not the levels of carbon dioxide is decreasing or increasing and at what rate. Once I have collected all of my evidence I will places all of my findings in the lab report provided. Therefore, all of my findings will tell if there was a large change over the years or a small decrease and determine if I was correct in my guessing of the facts.
I have now collected all of my findings for each year from the graph. I am ready to look over all of the information to make sure that it’s accurate and determine if my guess of increasing or decreasing levels of carbon dioxide is correct for each location. It has been determined that all of the levels of carbon dioxide have been slowly increasing over the years in all five locations I have studied. Although, all of the level have increased over the years I have found that in the South Pole the level have increase slower than it has in other location. This is due to the fact that there are not a lot of people or plants in that