
College Admissions Essay: The Value Of Violin And Music Education

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During my life I've been constantly told two things. First is don't make dumb decisions and second is if you really want something, you have to work for it. When I was little, all I wanted to do was be a gymnast. From the time I was 4 years old to 7, I worked really hard in class and was progressing quickly. When I was in 1st grade I was given an opportunity that would change my life forever. I attended The Montessori Elementary School and part of their curriculum is to learn a string instrument. Given this opportunity I chose to learn the violin. Not to sound cliche but I loved the violin from my first lesson, where we took the violin out of the case and put it back in. I just knew that I would always have violin and music in my life.
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I had already been in a slump with violin and covid extended my slump from a couple months to years. What really got me back on track was something that my teacher called me out for in one of my lessons. My teacher was getting really frustrated with me because she knew my capabilities and I just couldn't see them anymore. I was just at such a low point that I couldn't see anything positive about my abilities. In one lesson I had over covid she pulled out this book and said to me something I'll never forget. She said, “Baylee i'm getting really frustrated with how this past year has been going with your progress. This book is called “How to practice” . First you need to take your instrument out of your case and then you need to realize the beauty that you produce with your instrument every time you practice. I don't think you realize how talented you are, you can memorize music after playing it once and honestly if you set your mind to it you could be one of the best.” At the moment she said that i really didn't care but once i thought about it more and realized that i could do everything that she said i could do. I felt really determined from then on to prove something to myself. That I could accomplish anything with the violin if I worked really hard for

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