College Athletes Persuasive Essay

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If one were to ask a little boy what it is that they aspire to be when they grow up, one may hear answers like a police officer or even a fireman. Out of all of the responses that are likely to be heard, it is certain that one would also find the enthusiastic little boy that aspires to be as great of a basketball player as Michael Jordan or even Kobe Bryant. Aspiring to be great in the world of sports has been most little boy’s dreams for as long as most can remember. In order to break into the sports world one must first compete at a high school level and be recruited to move on to play college sports. However, the NCAA collects all of the revenue generated from games and tournaments on the college level and players receive nothing resulting …show more content…

People expect for 19-22 year old athletes to be able to advocate for themselves when it comes to someone taking advantage of them. At this age all the athletes see is a path to try to get to their dreams. They are not realizing that they are actually performing a job with no pay. No adult on this earth would dare work a job, a strenuous job at that, and do it for free. Most will say that their scholarships should be considered payment enough but you can receive a scholarship without being an athlete. Parents and coaches should speak up on behalf of the athletes to secure something for them for the additional stresses and wear and tear to their bodies that they …show more content…

Athletes that come from poor and middle class families would be able to receive compensation in school and would not have to look for the fast money that the agents would be offering. They wouldn’t have to face the issues of making such hard decisions that test their character and integrity. Athletes wouldn’t have to choose between taking money to help their family stay afloat or compromising their eligibility to play college basketball or football and potentially never make it to the NBA or