
Commercial Lending Interview

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The first interview I did was with Brian Snyder. He is the Vice President of Commercial Lending at Bryn Mawr Trust. Mr. Snyder goes around a 3-county area where he meets with local business owners. He meets with them to find out a plan about how much money they are going to need and what they need it for. I interviewed Mr. Snyder because this is an interesting job to me. He gets to build personal relationship with his clients and becomes invested in the success of their business. To get these companies the money they need he must understand these businesses and sell them to the bank. I would like a job like this because you get to learn about why people are in the business they are in and you get the opportunity to help them achieve their …show more content…

Snyder ended up at his job and what he went through to get to the position that he is in now. He started as a bank teller doing a job that anyone could do if they wanted to. Over the years he continued to work hard at his job and worked his way up through his original bank. The started giving him more responsibility in his daily job, and then he started to get promotions towards the job that he wanted. Eventually he became a lender and that is when he started looking for the perfect company and job. I think that is an inspiring story to most people in the workforce. It shows that it does not matter what job you start with as long as you put in the time and work hard. It is about getting your foot in the door and being recognized by people that are higher up that can help your career. He also spoke about when he was rising up in the company someone that was higher in the company took him under their wing. They realized how hard he was working and the effort he was putting into his work. They appreciated that drive and desire to be better in the company they wanted to help him in life. The relationships that are built through a job can lead to more opportunities down the road. Having that person that can help guide you is a benefit because when you start a new job you do not know everything about that …show more content…

To become a commercial lender, you need a strong financial background to better understand the situation. Each company will have a different need in order to be able to get the loan they are requesting. He must be able to read these companies financial reports and figure out how much money they truly need or if they are deserving of the money. Selling thee companies based off their finances is an important part to his job. If he is not able to sell these companies, they will not get the loan they need. When it comes to the skills that he needs to do his job I was not expecting some of them. The one that I really did not think about was sales which I talked about above. Before I did not think he would need to sell these companies to the bank. I thought it was more of these companies selling their businesses to him and the bank. After the interview it makes sense why it is a necessary skill and it is also interesting why it is. He has to be invested in these companies because they are trusting him to go back to the bank and convince them that these companies need the money and they will be successful afterwards. This is also where another important skill of negotiating comes in and can be the difference between getting no money or some money for these companies. If the bank does not want to give what the company is asking for it is Mr. Snyder’s

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