Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx: Hard Days Work

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Karl Marx was born on May 5th 1818, in Trier, Germany. Mar was a smart man with the help of his father pushing him to achieve academic excellence in school. Marx studied law at the University of Bonn but was later on removed and put into the University of Berlin to study philosophy by his father. While growing up Marx was an editor for the Rheinische Zeitung newspaper. Marx later on in life got married to Jenny Von Westphalen and had two daughters. Marx grew up in the industrial revolution. This was the age of new technology and methods that manufactures used to create more products. Though the industrial revolution was a great time for some like the bourgeoisie, to everyone else, more specifically the working class (proletariats) this was …show more content…

This theory was purely based off the environment he grew up in. He thought that it was not fair that the upper class(bourgeoisie) exploited the working class(proletariats) to maximize their profits. Workers who spent their time at the plant deserved better pay and better working conditions. A modern day quote to summarize this would be “Hard work for hard days pay”. His book “Communist Manifesto” which was published in 1848, suggested that the proletariat rise up against the bourgeoisie and rebel, sort of like a modern day workers strike. There were no unions in the 1800’s to help workers get better working conditions and better pay, which is why the conditions and lifestyle of the working class lasted as long as it …show more content…

Which would eventually help them to live better lives during the tail end of the industrial revolution. The disadvantages were that the bourgeoisie were losing vast amount of profit, which they would have to settle for if they wanted workers, dare I say productive workers. With Karl Marx thinking we went from a capitalist society to a mixture of capitalism and communism, which is good and bad. First world countries benefit more from this, but it only takes one mind to spark a fuse in a community just like Karl