Comparing The American Nursing Association (ANA) And The International Council Of Nurses

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Without a doubt, professional organizations will impact my future practice. It is professional organizations tat exist and those that will be created in the future that will advocate for nurses and the career of nursing as well as our patients. It is these organizations that will align with nurses to create the necessary changed needed at different points in time. Two of these organizations are the American Nurses Association (ANA) and the International Council of Nurses (ICN) (Matthews, 2012). These organizations have been working for years to advance nursing and will continue to do so. As the relevant issues rise in relation to nursing, these organizations will continue to advocate and insure increased safety for nurses and patients. In the …show more content…

This organization in capable of advocating for nurses and generating change in one aspect or another in the interest of patients and nurses alike. For example, it is the ANA that developed the Standards of Nursing Practice, Scope of Nursing Practice, and Nursing: A Social Policy Statement in the interest of advancing nursing as a profession, defining nursing, as well as establishing the role of a nurse and the associated conduct (Matthews, 2012). At this point in time, I do know that I will joining different organizations in nurses but I am not sure exactly which ones I will align myself with. Based upon where my career goes in nursing, I will align with associated organizations as they best related to my career and my area of nursing practice as I feel they will be of most benefit to me and vice versa. An overall organization I may join would be the ANA, as it is the governing body of nurses and will provide as a venue for me to seek change in nursing and follow through with my desires for change instead of always just complaining about …show more content…

For both hospitals, I would ask questions regarding training in reference to how long the training would be, what it would entail, who would be training me, what my schedule would be like during this period, and the pay I would receive during this period. This question topic is important as proper training in imperative to success as a nurse and to ensure patient safety. As a new licensed nurse, it will be crucial to receive thorough and proper training. A second question for both facilities would be in relation to pay regarding overtime, bonus, shift premium, and holidays. This topic is relevant as nurses working overtime and receiving bonus is quite common and could prove to be convincing for one hospital over another. Also, as most hospitals require you to work holidays, knowing the pay associated with such could be convincing for one facility over another. My third question for Hospital A is how exactly are the raises determined as in which criteria are used and who decided. This is important as the determination for raises could prove that they are few and far between and of minimal amount when they are given or they are frequent, relatively easy to achieve, and of high percentage. My third question for Hospital B would be regarding the union and the benefits associated with it. The benefits of the union and the extent