Comparing Two Views Of Christianity Vs. Atheism

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Christianity vs. Atheism 2.18 billion people on Earth are Christians. That is nearly one-third of the entire population. Christians believe that God created all things on Earth and that he sent his son Jesus Christ to die for their sins. Christians believe that once you die you will either go to heaven or hell. Atheist on the other hand, believe that there is no God, and no heaven or hell. Christianity is a better way of thinking because it has an ultimate creator, set guidelines on what is right and wrong, and a place where you will spend all of eternity. To begin with, Christians believe that God created the Earth is seven days. On the first day God created light, and separated day from night. On the second day God created the waters and the sky. On the third day He created the dry land. On the fourth day He created the sun, moon, and stars. …show more content…

They believe in the Big Bang. The Big Bang is a theory of a scientific event that took place million of years ago that caused the particles in the Universe to become ordered. They also believe in evolution. The theory of Evolution states that humans evolved over time to adapt to their surroundings. Secondly, Christians have a book that tells them what is right and wrong. The book is called the Bible. The Bible was written my many different different people that God spoke to. It has what Christians call the Ten Commandments. They explain the basic rules of how to live a Christian lifestyle. God spoke these Commandments. They are: You shall have no other gods before Me, You shall not make idols, You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, You shall keep the Sabbath day holy, Honor your father and your mother, You shall not murder, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor, and You shall not covet. Christians try their best to live by these rules. They make life much easier and keep people out of