Corsicana High School Library Mission Statement Analysis

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Corsicana High School Collection Development Policy The Library mission statement is “The unique, diverse student body, staff, parents, and community of the Corsicana High School Library is dedicated to upholding a climate of tolerance, high expectations and positive attitude, along with a shared vision of academic success. Our ultimate goal is to assist all our young people with acquiring the habits, skills and knowledge that will enable them to become informed productive members of society.” It is a comprehensive list of our goals for our students, and the high hopes we have for them to make their mark on our world.
Collection Development Goals The Corsicana High School Library supports the following policy statements by the American Library …show more content…

The main goals of the library are to collect, develop, expand and maintain the collections that support the needs of the student body, faculty and parents. The collections were created to implement support for the curriculum and instructional programs of the Corsicana High School Library. We cater to a group of new and lifelong learners with a broad range of interests, hobbies and personal backgrounds. It is this reason that the library also contains books, movies, music and other things that are not necessarily covered by classroom instructions, but they are still, in general, supportive of our learning environment and mission statement. For the customers of the library that need certain books, for either research or scholarly needs, which we do not have in the library, we will help identify, locate and borrow such materials through the library interlibrary …show more content…

The formal evaluation process should be done for weeding at least annually. The purpose of evaluation is to identify weaknesses in specific subject areas and to maintain a well-balanced collection in light of the school’s and the library’s mission statements. The collection should be evaluated systematically, and on a regular basis by a combination of methods. This is to ensure that the mission statements and policies are being met and/or exceeded. There is a multitude of ways to go over and evaluate the collection. Some of the ways that can be used for this purpose are: observation of use patterns by taking information from the checkout system and the sign-out roster for non-book items, a formal questionnaire and/or survey for students and faculty to determine the nature of use of the library and satisfaction with the library itself, comparison of library holdings against standard subject bibliographies, course reading lists and core holdings at other high schools in our area, tracking the growth rate and size of the collection as a whole, its parts, and evaluating the amount of use within specific subject collections throughout the year and by year group, once a year reviewing resource sharing requests made by students, faculty and staff for new book suggestions and new in general requests and library reviews and finally analyzing the usage logs for online