Cover Letter For Scholarship Essay

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Dear, Committee Member,

I am writing to you today on behalf of the Summer of 2018 Need Based Scholarship. I understand that this is my opportunity to show convince you that I would be a great candidate for this scholarship. The truth is, I am sure that there are people who have it much harder than I; for my life I am grateful. I am grateful to have the opportunity to have this second chance at education and the ways about me to know that this time, 12 years later, I will not take it for granted. I am appreciative to even be in the position to write to you about summer attendance, although it is on a need basis. When I graduated high school, I had a million ideas about what I would like to be when I grew up, I just did not know it would take me so long to actually grow up. All those ideas I had were just an illusion and I did not take anything seriously. I went on to be married, have a family and go through things that many cannot even comprehend: deployments, divorce, constant relocation and even multiple assaults. I was just a wife and a mother for many years and as time grew on I wanted to be more, and I still had no idea what that …show more content…

I ended up caring long term for my niece (the second time in 8 years) and what I witnessed with her, well it finally clicked. I wanted to be a social worker. I wanted to help kids like her be able to grow up and be able to thrive and honestly, just be kids and be ok. I went through so many years of , “well I think I would like to do this”, ideas and I have been pursuing this path consistently, and my choice has not changed in the slightest. THIS is what I want to do. I have received both financial aid and student loans to be able to make it through both fall and spring semester. Without any help for the summer semester, I will not be able to afford as much as a single class to keep my head in the game. My family of five lives on just one income and it is simply not feasible financial