Creationism In The Bible And Early Chapters Of Genesis

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What is creationism?
Creationism, as a very large and complex concept, can be defined as the belief that God created the universe and the Earth out of nothing, as it is described in the Bible and the early Chapters of Genesis. So this conception is automatically associated with Christianity and Creationists present themselves as “traditional Christians”. Creationism is also known to be opposed to the Theory of Evolution but in fact it is much more complicated: there are many forms of creationism and it can be close to evolution too.
All Creationists agree that God is behind the beginning of everything that we have today, but they are divided on various points. For that reason, we can classify them into two main categories: the …show more content…

We can divide this category in four parts:
Gap Creationism: It is also called “Intermittent Day View”. In this point of view a day is 24h long but there are gaps between them. They don’t read the Bible metaphorically or stretch the meaning of words, they have a simply explanation.
Day-Age Creationism: The Universe was created in 6 days, but the people are arguing on how long a day is. For them it is not 24 Hours long and they often quote 2 Peter 3:8 from Christ’s Coming judgment to justify the Earth’s age:
“But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.”
Progressive Creationism: they accept most of the modern theories but rejects biology. They argue that each kind of organism has been created separately from the others.
Evolutionary Creationism; hey believe basically the same as the theistic evolution, and have an objective view on science but God is always on the origin from …show more content…

By analogy, the finding of order, purpose, and design in the world was proof of an omniscient designer.”. They accept natural selection but deny that mutation explain it.

History: Creationism is tied with history of religion, The Bible and the fundamental documents of Creationism were not questioned through the Medieval Period and most of the World believed that a supreme being (Allah, God or Yahweh) had created the universe according to Genesis and all the great discovery at this time were going in the same way as those texts. So science and religion were compatible.
In the 18th and 19th centuries the conflict begins with some scientific observations of natural history. But the term “creationism” becomes to be used only in the late 19th. The arriving of science in the all-day life changes the point of view from some creationists, the material founded proved that Earth is billions years old and some proclaim themselves as “Gap