Definition Essay: Is Love A Choice?

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During my confirmation course at church in ninth grade, we spent several weeks speaking about love. We discussed the different types of love, why we love, and whether or not it is a choice. The classes left an impact on how I view love and is why I believe in love being a choice. In the class, our leaders explained to us what love was, simply explaining love is a lifetime commitment. Love is exhilarating. Love is radiant. Love is comforting. Love is a choice. It is for better or for worse. For richer or for poorer. In sickness and in health. Most importantly though, they explained that it requires two people who desire to grow together. Two people who are willing to go to the ends of the Earth for one another. I believe love will overcome …show more content…

It does not envy or boast. It is not proud. It does not dishonor others. It is not self-seeking or easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres. Love never fails.” So if love never fails, then why do so many relationships fail? Well relationships fail because love requires work. It will hurt. It will beat you down. It will exhaust you. But it is through all of the pain and hurt caused that proves love is a choice. When faced with hardships in a relationship, people often run because “love is not supposed to be this hard,” but in reality a couple who loves one another works things out together. For love does not work if both people do not put forth 100 percent. However, depending on who you talk to, some will say that love is a feeling. In reality though, people do not stay in love for years or decades because of a feeling. Eventually, the feelings will fade and make you unhappy. That is what makes it a choice to be made every single day, as you have chosen to make a commitment to the other person. You see feelings constantly come and go, and building something so precious on such a weak, shaky foundation will not