Definition Essay On Diversity

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Diversity. What does it really mean? People say it’s when there are many people of different race that are able to coincide together and not rule each other out because they are of a different color. I think there is more to being diverse than to not be racist. You can go to a school with students having all the same race and still say, “That’s a diverse school.” You may be wondering, “How is that possible?” Simple. Diversity means to be different, which in turn means to be unique. For example, the ways that I am unique are of the three: I have severe anxiety, I am a tomboy and I am a Christian.

You may be saying that these three aspects of my personality are generic. Sorry, but you are incorrect and here’s why. Everyone is unique in some …show more content…

How many Christians do you think are at West High School? Take a rough guess. I believe, by my experience, there are about 50% of Christians or less. I may be off but I still feel like an outsider because of my religion. People will give me looks because I am praying but I do not care. The world is corrupt and even non-religious people can see that. My belief makes me idiosyncratic. I do feel like I stand out because I don’t swear or participate in certain activities, but I will never, not for a split second, stop believing in God. If the teachers were to get upset because I am not participating in something that is clearly against my religion, I wouldn’t care. I will not follow what everyone else is doing if it is sinful. I find school to be a very difficult place because of my religion. Students make jokes (and even teachers) about Christians. It breaks my heart, not because it hurts but to see them all and realize if they don’t change, they will go to Hell. I am not saying I’m forcing you to believe in God, but He helps me everyday through my struggles and I can’t wait to see him one day and I wish for you to see him too. I even wish the be a pastor when I am older (despite that I am a woman) so I can preach and tell others about God and his unfailing