Describe Types Of Anxiety And Fear Of Oral Presentation

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Identify and describe types of anxiety that you might experience when you deliver oral presentations. Try to be as honest as possible. Using three or four ideas from the text that you find to be most helpful for you, develop a strategy to help you manage your anxieties. Be very specific. Explain exactly how you'll apply your strategy in this class and in future speaking opportunities.
Fear of public speaking is one of the greatest fears; greater than death (Alder, Elmhorst & Lucas p. 330). There is a wide range of everyday situations in which we need to speak to a group of other people; whether it is asking questions in class or giving a presentation in front of coworkers/classmates. Public speaking, in all circumstances, if well designed and properly implemented, brings social, professional and economic satisfaction. Given the benefit that brings successfully implemented speech, it is clear that I and many others have a need to overcome and improve these skills. There are people who, like me, even though they would like to publicly express their views and opinions, lack the skills or fear of public presentation.
Many jobs require presentational speaking, and speech anxiety can threaten career success (Alder, Elmhorst & Lucas p. 330). I might experience difficulties to speak in, to adequately express myself in front of others, and the fear that I …show more content…

Good preparation reduces the fear of speaking. I will rehearse on my feet, in front of my family members (Alder, Elmhorst & Lucas p. 332). Preparation allows me to adequately design what or how I will say it. I’ve made a selection of information, and I’ve decided in which order and how I will present them. I am practicing with and without an audience. This will certainly reduce the level of fear. I am not perfect, and I will never be, but the secret to success is in the recognition of this fact. With confidence, there will be less fear of speaking in front of the