Determining The Development Of A Mission Statement

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Education provides people with the tools and knowledge they need to understand and participate in today’s world. It helps to sustain the human values that contribute to individual and collective well-being. It is the basis for lifelong learning (UNESCO, 2006). Many factors may determine the success or failure of a student in our system; however, the single most important factor in student learning is the effectiveness of the classroom teacher (Ascher & Fructer, 2001; Darling-Hammond, 1999; Ferguson, 1991; Marzano, Pickering, & Pollock, 2001). Teaching is an extremely complex process; there are a wide variety of professional decisions and teaching methods which impact student achievement.

According to Danielson (1996), ―a teacher makes …show more content…

2). The process of determining the school’s vision involves the compilation of a mission statement that indicates the strategies that will be implemented to achieve pre-established goals. Development of a mission statement is important as it creates opportunity to determine the principles and values that will guide progress, purpose and key features of the school. The process of mission development promotes and aids various actions necessary to enhance and sustain effective teaching and learning (Arnold et al., 2006, pp. 2 - 3; Foskett & Lumby, 2003, p. 122; Tomlinson, 2004, pp.133, 145). The vision can inspire and motivate teachers to work towards the attainment of aims and objectives, pave the way for TPD to take place, establish a standard of excellence, allow change to take place by making use of available skills, talents and resources, and ensure that management activities and actions are purposeful and functional (Arnold et al.,2006, p. 2; Berube et al., 2004, p. 2; Bush, 2003, pp. 6 - 7; Spurr et al., 2003, p. 3; Tomlinson, 2004, pp. 143 - 144; Wallace & Poulson, 2003, pp. 220 - 222; Young et al., 2005,p.

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