
Did The Big Bang Theory: How Did The Universe Begin?

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For as long as we have cared to wonder about it, we have been trying to explain it, to explain; how. How are we here? Over many years, scientists have attempted to answer the question; how did the Universe begin? This question has been answered many times, with a wide variety of responses, however today, there is a common belief held by most scientists, a theory; the Big Bang.

The Big Bang theory states that the Universe started with such, a big bang. Everything that currently exists was once condensed in an extremely hot, extremely dense point, otherwise known as a ‘singularity.’ This singularity then suddenly began expanding, galaxies were spilled out, until everything arrived at its current place, however, the expansion does not stop there, …show more content…

In 1927 Lamaître published a report entitled; “A homogeneous Universe of constant mass and growing radius accounting for the radial velocity of extragalactic nebulae.” The report was essentially detailing a theory on an expanding Universe, referencing Hubble’s law and the Hubble constant. This report was acclaimed internationally, however did not meet the approval of Albert Einstein, whom criticised Lamaître on his understanding of physics; “Your calculations are correct, but your grasp of physics is abominable.” - Albert Einstein. Eventually it was Albert Einstein’s own idea of physics that came into question, and Dr Lamaître’s report would become a very important part of our understanding of the …show more content…

This radiation, located throughout the Universe, is a body with a temperature below 3 degrees Kelvin, which is approximately -270 degrees celsius. The CMB is some of the leading proof scientists have to back the Big Bang theory, as only this type of phenomena could have been created in an event, an explosion, on such a scale as the Big Bang. The Cosmic Background Radiation was discovered by two men named Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson. This discovery would earn both men the nobel prize in the field of

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