Down To Earth Leadership Vs Charismatic Leadership

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The issue box notes the difference between “Charismatic” and “Down-to-Earth” leadership. How are these differences manifest in task management? Use the articles to find specific aspects of difference.

The differences between “charismatic” and “down-to-earth” leadership styles are manifest in task management in the mission, goals, and atmosphere of the business environment. The type of leadership style radiating from the management of a company can inspire lower management and line workers, direct the organization on a path toward success, and address arising conflict and obstacles within the business and in the market. The ways in which Charismatic and down-to-earth leadership styles vary are in how they establish and communicate organizational …show more content…

Charismatic leadership takes on an emphasis of individual development and growth in others to achieve goals. This appears like the Aristotelian principal that uses laws preceding actions to focus on affirmation and involvement in employee affairs to obtain knowledge and craft a vision and goals (The Role of Virtues, pp. 389-390). This is evidenced by heavy affirmation and involvement in the lives of workers to build trust and respect to motivate them toward what is needed of them. The charismatic then establishes goals and becomes more involved with workers to accomplish the goals and fulfill the company’s vision. More challenging group goals can lead to increases in effort, and affect how the group of workers think innovatively in planning and execution to reach those difficult goals (Management by Objective, pp. 176). Fiorina captured the motivation of her employees by affirming them publicly for achievements and getting involved in gathering an understanding of the work conditions and assisting them in reaching …show more content…

A down-to-earth leadership style has an emphasis on gaining trust with a proven system that works and gaining trust with the people who engage with the system and work toward the goals. This appears like the Goethian principal that uses the actions creating the laws to focus on using the goals to justify and establish the steps to reach the objectives (The Role of Virtues, pp. 390). Hurd exemplified this principal as CEO of HP when he cut 15,000 jobs and cut other costs in the organization, and he also solidified processes where HP was able to increase and grow, even rivaling in performance with companies like IBM and Dell. Workers aim for and achieve more realistic goals for the company and are motivated and guided toward improvement over time to continue reaching goals as they become more challenging and systematized. Employees are rewarded and motivated by achieving realistic goals rather than repeatedly failing to meet challenging objectives (The Gap Nobody Knows, pp. 397, 405). Hurd was able to accomplish great things with HP after becoming CEO when things were getting worse under the direction of Fiorina. He was able to come into the company and use the improved system and vision that Fiorina implemented to understand the business environment circumstances and establish realistic goals to guide employees into improving the condition of HP