Discrimination Against Women In The Police Department

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Discrimination Against Women In The Police Department
Discrimination is real and it still exist. Often when a person thinks of discrimination, their minds often goes to African American people, however everyone faces discrimination, and it doesn’t matter if you are wealthy or if you are poor. There are different types of discrimination, race, age, religion, sexual orientation, height, weight and the list goes on (Dempsey). There are no boundaries on discrimination and unfortunately it can take place at the store, church, on the street and even in the work place. Where there is discrimination in the workplace, there are often women that that to deal with employer/employee discrimination. There are many forms of discrimination in the workplace, …show more content…

As for a woman, who characteristic is typically a soft, gentle, sweet, mild matter person, some employers may think she is too soft to do a manual job or duties. Due to discrimination, in the work field, women have to deal with getting paid less than their co-works, yet they are expected to make just as hard and to the same work for less pay. In the police departments alone, men would be hired faster over a woman, because the departments believe that due to the man’s body type, he has more leverage over a woman …show more content…

The Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII, helped pave the way for women (Mayer). One of the most important acts of The Civil Rights Act 1964, banned discrimination based on the color of their skin, race, sex, or religion, in any hiring position (Mayer). However this Act didn’t go without a lot of problems or people trying to reverse it (Mayer). Women in the workplace were now protected against the gender-based discriminations law enforced by the U.S. Employment Equal Opportunity Commission (Mayer). Any employer caught violating the Equal Opportunity Employment Act would result to, back pay to an employee, high employee turnover and other things