Does Peta Have The Right To Complain About How Farmers Treat Their Animals

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Does PETA Have the Right to Complain About How Farmers Treat Their Animals?
“WAFarmers president Dale Park said ‘the fake lamb is only the first of many misrepresentations in the unethical campaign. No one that I know would shear a lamb that size, it looks a day old, and certainly they wouldn’t tolerate such a low standard of shearing. The PETA campaign preys on people that have no knowledge of shearing practices.”(Graham, “Farmers File PETA Complaint”) If People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) keeps bashing the way farmers are taking care of their animals they will ruin farmers reputation and kill the agriculture industry. PETA is not honest in the things they say. PETA has no probable cause for saying bad things about farmers or how anyone treats their animals in general. PETA has no reasons to complain about the way farmers treat their animals. …show more content…

Someone might believe they are being truthful because they do a great job of presenting evidence that would seem believable, if you have no idea what actually goes on around farms when dealing with animals. The people who write articles for PETA have no idea what they are talking about, seeing as they have never been on a farm a day in their life. Knowing that these people have never been on a farm a day in their life should he probable reason for you not to believe them. To understand what farmers are doing with their animals and why they are doing this, someone who truly knows needs to explain it to you. You cannot believe PETA, because they have openly admitted to lying and their employees blow stories way out of proportion. Make sure people aren't lying before you believe them about