
Do's/Don T Of The Biblical Counselor

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Counseling by the Book
In reading this book I was amazed at the degree to which we must know the Word of God and rely upon the Holy Spirit who is the most important Person in the counseling context. He is truly the Counselor. If we try to counsel without His help, we will fail miserably, but in many of our churches people are not encouraged to do neither of these, but I will leave that alone. This is one of the best books that I have read in a long time. (besides my bible, of course). I call this book the “Do’s/Don’t of the Biblical Counselor”. The world says mankind can find his own truth within himself and by carefully observing and studying his world. God says we can never find truth on our own ;we can only find truth that we can …show more content…

The wisdom of the world entices people to have hope in fleeting things: riches, relationships,sexual immorality, drugs and alcohol ,power and prestige. Scripture provides a significant contrast to the world’s wisdom. God has revealed Himself to man through the Living Word as well as through the living and active written Word. He has provided what is necessary for life and godliness. God has made it clear to us through His Word who He is. The Bible presents His Character and attributes as well as the clear picture of a sinless life lived on earth in the God-man Jesus Christ. A God-centered anthropology changes the way we assess things, the way we live, and the way we counsel. The fact that man is created in God’s image, lives in a fallen ,sin-cursed world, and is sinful and needs a Savior impacts the counselor as well as those we counsel. A God-centered anthropology allows us to lovingly call people to focus on God rather than themselves. The take away I have received from this book is that those who practice biblical counseling need to purposefully and prayerfully order their lives in such a way to avoid condemnation as hypocrites. Before counselors speak the truth in love and confront a counselee with Scripture

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