Dr. Toner's Six Tests, Expert Power, And Trust In A Person

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A vision statement is a road map with a defined direction towards improvement in both professional and personal aspects, while developing the traits that you want to foster. Another wordy definition, but what do you expect from me. Essentially, a vision statement is a plan to achieve your short, mid and long term goals. The five concepts I identified from the modules are: Intellectual Stimulation, Emotional Flexibility, Dr. Toner’s Six Tests, Expert Power, and Trust in a Person. The purpose of this vision statement will be to correlate these essential concepts, apply them to a 3 to 5 year plan, discuss how am I as a leader now, how I want to be perceived in the future, and correlate them to the key groups. The key groups being subordinates, …show more content…

If I want to fully have Expert Power, then I must have the trust from my subordinates, peers, and supervisors. This starts with Emotional Flexibility. When I am able to be self-aware of my emotions and that of the key groups, I can then begin to develop the quality relationships and achieving the Trust in a Person concept. Trust in a Person might be the most important of the five concepts I have selected, because this is built on two-way communication. This free flowing communication is what enables the use of Expert Power and the ability to influence the key groups into pursuing knowledge from the Intellectual Stimulation concept. The final piece to I would like to have implemented is Dr. Toner’s Six Tests. As Trust in a Person is the most important, this is the metaphorical basement that my improvement plan is based on. By implementing the six questions of shame, community, legal, situation, consequences, and God into my daily decision making, I will gain the trust of the key groups. Gaining their trust will enable me to make strives toward Expert Power, effectively use the leadership behavior of Intellectual Stimulation, and develop my Emotional