Drunk Driving Culture

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Drunk driving links into culture with age, gender and race. What is drunk driving? Drunk driving is a crime of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances to the degree that mental and motor skills are impaired. It is illegal through all the states in the United States. This crime is known as a DUI in other words driving under the influence. Statistically in the United States the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates in 2006 a total of 17,941 people died in alcohol related collisions and 275,000 were injured in alcohol related accidents. If alcohol is present in evidence on a crime scene the NHTSA will most likely rule the accident as alcohol related. This concept was first introduced …show more content…

Many movies, songs, shows, and videos praise drinking and drunken behavior. The availability of alcohol in the environment can increase drinking habits. The lower prices they have for alcohol will increase how much the consumer buys and intake. Underage teens will drink when there is alcohol present or have someone else to buy it for them. The advertisements they have broadcasting on television suggests that drinking alcohol and having a great time getting drunk are normal activities. In 2010 it shows 4.7 million people by the age of 12 or higher used alcohol within the year which leads to about 12,800 initiates per day. The rate for male drunk drivers was 77.6 percent in 2010. Statistically it shows that the Hispanic ethnicity is 48 percent compared to other ethnicity groups. 31 percent of DUI/DWI are usually arrested again. Young men under the legal drinking age (18 to 20) are found driving while impaired due to ingestion of alcohol more frequently than any other age group. Male drivers are more prone to get arrested for drunk driving because they drive faster and have to consume more drinks than women. Young men are reported to have a much higher rate of drunk driving than