Essay About My Writing Process

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The first thing I do when starting whatever it is that I am writing is getting a mental image of what it is that I want to talk about. The next step that I take is filling out an essay planner to organize my thoughts. After filling out the essay planner I then start on writing my rough draft. After finishing my rough draft I give it to a few people so that they can give me advice on what I could add or even remove. Then I start on my final draft, taking what I heard from my peers into consideration. After finishing my final draft I read over it a couple of times, changing things as necessary.
I enjoy writing and have always wanted to be an author, although I’m not sure how good at it that I would be. I like writing short stories just for fun, and would like to maybe someday follow my dream of writing a book. I do however sometimes have trouble thinking about what I should write, I’m also not all that great of a speller which is why I really like typing rather than just writing so that I can use auto correct. My least favorite thing to write would be a compare and contrast essays, because I’m never sure what I should choose to compare or contrast. …show more content…

I would also like to learn more about parts of speech and what pulls in audiences making them want to read your work, keeping them on the edge of their seat the whole time. I believe that punctuation may also be one of my weaker areas. However the biggest thing that I would like to understand would be essay organization and "cleaning it up" so that it’s not just one big mess. I have always done pretty well with essays throughout my high school career getting my points across, however I would like to farther improve on my abilities in

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