Essay Against Abortion Pro Life

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Abortion is a highly discussed topic on whether it should be legal or not. There are two completely opposite sides to this argument with very powerful thoughts.Many court cases have been held about this topic like Roe vs Wade, Gonzales vs Carhart, Stenberg vs Carhart, etc. Roe vs Wade basically restricted abortions in the United states. The rest put a ban on it but others would come along in the early 1990s and try to change that. After these were held they held more to put into favor that it should be legal which some people weren't happy with. This brought about the pro-abortion and anti-abortion protest.Abortion should be illegal everywhere.
Abortion causes for high possibly danger medical conditions.“Often performed by untrained individuals …show more content…

Many people with unwanted pregnancies can be entitled to an abortion if they don't want the baby for some reason or another. Being pregnant can also do damage to you if you let it so most would just abort it and get it over with to not go in the pain of labor. Every person should have the right to live no matter what even if they get adopted.Generally, these groups believe that the fetus is a person with rights equal to those of other people, and some of these identify the unborn person as existing from the moment of conception or in the embryonic stage. When you take the life of a newborn away that can be heartbreaking for some so just aborting it doesn't make it any better. Abortion is technically murder because you are taking the life of an unborn baby that could have once lived a healthy life.Many people believe that abortion should be a choice all women and should be legal to anyone who is in need of it but aborting is not always the answer when it comes to an unwanted pregnancy of just a pregnancy in general. It might seem as if it is just a harmless deed to get out of having a baby by going into labor but it is actually hurting people in the long

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