Abortion Pro Life Essay

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Abortion is a touchy subject for most people, and is common medical procedure that is performed in the U.S. even all around the world, and over 40% of women will on go this procedure to stop a pregnancy at some point in their life. (emedicine.com). And even though all types of women no matter what class or race typically may do this is their life, the majority of them have the tendency to be “young, white, unmarried, poor, or over the age of 40.” Abortion is one of the more common procedure performed in women.
For example a young female may be afraid to tell her parents or anyone close to her so she sees only this option, unmarried, in some peoples traditions and faiths you should be married before you have a child, being poor you probably struggle taking care of yourself, a child is expensive and for people less fortunate they would not be able to handle the role supporting a child.
In these cases to prevent these things from happening is if you are a young female talk to a parent or guardian, yes, it may not be the most comfortable conversation, however I can imagine any good parent would want you to come to them and be able to be honest about it, you will eventually be glad you did they will …show more content…

Pro-life is the belief and understanding that even though the child is unborn, it is still a living thing.(abortion.procon.org) To commit to an abortion is looked at as “murder” the baby has no say, or will. It is the mothers choice overall but depending on your state abortion can be illegal. Some people cannot conceive a baby so to destroy ones life based upon the poor decisions of the mother really sparks a fire under those who would love to be a mother but cannot. Pro-life favors the baby to have a chance at

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