Essay On Congress Term Limits

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As the Arkansas State Senate Majority Leader, I am writing this in honor of the present session in the state senate debating placing term limits on members of Congress. I will state both sides of the issue and make clear my reasons for the side I support. I support the call for a constitutional convention to establish term limits on members of the House and Senate. While there are many accurate and valid arguments behind both the support of term limits on Congress, and the opposition of these term limits, I personally do believe that members of Congress members should have to undergo term limits. I have a copious amount of reasons why I am for Congress term limits being put into place. Firstly, and probably my most prominent reason, is imposing …show more content…

This way, they will not begin to posture, and spend less time campaigning their reelection and running versus concentrating on the significant affairs that their job truly entails. They will continue to be inspired to seize their power while they have it and use it for the greater benefit of all. They will be reminded of what it is like to not have such an opportunity to have a loud voice and large influence. Also, I feel that since we have an amendment that limits a president to serving two terms, we should be limiting our congress members as well. Creating this rotation of leaders allows more leaders with potential to come into view, and prevents the accumulation of too much power for one leader. Overwhelming power frequents in corruption, so if we limit the power, we limit the corruption. These term limits will allow politicians not to be elected because of their upper hand of power accumulated previously, or their precedence, but for the true quality and merit of the candidate. Lastly, the fact that a majority of Americans support these term limits is a good example that this is what the states want and believe is best for their