Essay On Double Standards

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Double standard has been around for centuries when it came to men and women, however; when it came the to promiscuity between the two sexes, it seemed like women always got the raw end of the deal. This weeks gender exercise only help prove this point even more so, and show how women and men differ in how they treat those who are more open and or immoral with their sexual behaviors. I first created my own list of words, names and or slang, used to describe both female and male who are promiscuous. When creating my list, I only considered those who where hetersexual. Not only did I only think of those who where hetersexual I also relized I was harsher on women than men. After creating my own list, I survived six of my family members, ranging mid twenties to late fifties, in order to gain a look through the generations. As I compared my list to my families, I realized that my list was not as dehumanizing as theirs, nor was I as lenient on men like my male family members. When my male family members talked about …show more content…

oth men and women were asked about names they would call promiscuous they were not to nice, a few of the names were, “whore, slut bitch, loose, skank, and cum dumpster.” When looking how the lists created by my family I saw how the promiscuous women list was usually longer, …show more content…

Which brought up the idea, that even though women are look down apon for being sexualy active with more than one male, those in the LGBT society have it even worse, because they are not part a the privileged group in society, so they are scrutinized even more so for their sexual promiscuity. Along with have cruller names to be called, that not only dig at their promiscuity, but also their sexuality. Although unlike women, those in the LGBT community tend not to slander each other in a harsh light like women do when it comes to