Essay On Obesity In America

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In America more than one third of the adult population has obesity or is obese. Obesity or being obese has an accordance to your BMI or body mass indicator which is the relations or your height and weight. If you have a BMI of 30 or above you are considered obese. The obesity rates in the U.S. have most likely been at an all-time high with the easy access and low prices to fast and unhealthy foods. With more than one third of the adults being obese, imagine the number of overall people in America who are obese and unhealthy. I am going to be explaining how to live a healthier life style so you could potentially live longer and happier.
The obesity population has become obese because of the low prices and extremely easy access to unhealthy foods along with how lazy American people are. We the people are lazy because most of us work long hours at our crappy low paying jobs and go home not wanting to do anything other than eat, work, and sleep. Say you get home from working up to a twelve-hour shift, you’re most likely exhausted and just want to eat some satisfying food and go to bed but you don’t want to make anything because that’s a lot of effort so instead you order pizza, turn the tv on and wait for your food to get to your house, it’s so simple that way. The way everything is so easy to be …show more content…

Eating smaller meals with a good proportion of veggies and proteins with really help your body feel more energized and by drinking a glass of water before you eat a meal it will fill up more space in your stomach so you don’t over eat as easy. The downside to eating healthier is that it can be a bit more expensive if you want all organic foods that may or may not taste that well. You don’t have to go all out and get orgonic foods though, go the your grocery store and pick up some fruits and maybe some asparagus or broccoli and steam those veggies and add salt and there’s your veggies for

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