Essay On The Rationale For Capstone Project

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The rationale for the capstone project is aimed at designing a training program that will enhance skills that each employee needs to improve. Create a pool of readily available and adequate replacements for personnel who may leave or move up in the organisation. Enhance the company’s ability to adopt and use advances in technology because of a sufficiently knowledgeable staff. A structured training and development program ensures that employees have a consistent experience and background knowledge.

The design steps for this capstone project are based on Instructional System Design models differ from Instructional Design (ID) models in that ISD models have a broad scope and typically divide the instruction design process into roughly five …show more content…

Structure design, educational strategy, and content delivery and resources. The capstone project is to develop a 6 week training classroom course and use interactive elements. The learning objectives are performance base with the goal of increase productivity and gain new business. The learning modules topics will allow trainees to apply new knowledge as they perform task. Existing materials will be reviewed lesson plans will be selected and new ones will be produced. The course should provide role-plays that allow the trainee to finish task and develop new skill. It is vital to enable the learners to practice what they are being taught. The amount of practice a learner gets while taking the course and after completing it directly corresponds to how quickly and well he or she obtains the requisite skills. Providing timely feedback on the completed tasks is equally important
Development - This capstone project will start as a collaborative effort to create a storyboard, hand-outs and lesson plans. This capstone project will use existing content and invite collaboration with training managers. This could present some additional time depending on personnel scheduling. The development stage evaluation will determine if the instructions meets the performance standard and