Essay On Type 1 Diabetes

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Diabetes Research
This is a research paper on diabetes. I choose this disease for several reasons one of those reasons were the fact this disease is common in my moms side of the family which is reason enough to research this disease because it could pass to me or my kids if I get any. Another reason, is to understand people with this disease, and being able to understand it would allow me to have an opinion on it which is another reason to research this disease.

Common symptoms for type one diabetes are Urinating a lot more this is because your body is trying to get rid of the excess sugar which gets rid of a lot of your water. Being very thirsty this is because your urinating a lot and losing your water. Losing weight uncontrollably this …show more content…

Taking insulin shots because your body doesn't produce insulin if you have type one diabetes you take insulin when you eat. It is very important to monitor your blood sugar to see if it is too high or too low. If it’s too high take the corresponding amount of insulin, if it is too low eat things with carbs however if your blood sugar is extremely high or low go to the emergency room. Eating healthy this mainly means not eating too many carbs and the carbs you do eat are spread throughout the day. It is very important to not cut carbs from your diet completely because without it you’ll lose most of your energy. Also it is important to exercise because it helps your body produce insulin more efficiently also it lowers the odds of getting heart and blood vessel disease. Regular medical check ups are very important to see if there are any complication with you pacific circumstance some complication are eye, heart, kidney, blood vessel, and nerve diseases. It is also important not to smoke when you have type 1 diabetes because it can give you the chance of having type 2 diabetes. Also smoking give complication like nerve damage, kidney disease, and circulation problems. Last thing to do when you have diabetes don’t drink alcohol if you could get low blood

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