Essay On Why College Athletes Should Be Paid

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No Pay for Play!
Should high performing college athletes be paid to play on their competitive college teams? These athletes put in countless hours of hard work at the gym, but ultimately it’s their decision to play in these sports. College athletes get paid in scholarship money, while regular college students leave school with debt up to their neck. These athletes have no sense of financial management. So if we pay them where will the money go? College athletes should not be paid to play for their colleges.
These athletes are already getting paid in the form of scholarships. According to the Institute for College Access and Success, 71% of college students leave their university in a boat load of debt. $32,528, on average, in the state of Pennsylvania. Division 1 basketball players receive $38,246 in scholarship money, yet the average college student only obtains $15,900 in scholarships. What message would we be sending if we payed these athletes?
In 2012, espn aired a documentary that followed the lives of a handful of professional athletes who went broke due to poor financial skills. This proves that these college athletes have no sense of economical management. EverFi, an education technology incorporation, took a survey in 2012 that shows the financial management …show more content…

Fans bring lots of money to these colleges and universities. According to Business Insider, the University of Texas’ football program made over 95 million dollars. These players receive none of the money generated by these colleges. These athletes work so hard and earn no compensation. The average Division I college football player spends over 43 hours per week working out. These athletes don’t have time to get a job due to their tight workout schedule. The unstoppable athletes usually leave their college for the pros before they acquire their diploma. If these athletes were paid, they would have a stronger motivation to finish college and get a