Jean Piaget Theory

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Piaget 's theory of cognitive development is a broad theory about the nature and development of human intelligence. Although it is commonly known as a developmental stage theory, it also engages with the nature of knowledge itself and how individuals get to acquire, construct, and use the knowledge obtained. Piaget state that cognitive development is an advancing reorganization of mental processes as a result of biological maturation and experiences experienced in the individual environment. Children build an perception of the world around them, then experience differences between what they have known and what they find out in their surroundings. Apart from that Piaget argues that the concept that cognitive development is at the center of human …show more content…

He emphasize that the way children reason at one stage is different from the way they reason at another stage . The first stage, is called the sensorimotor stage which extends from birth to age about two. In this stage, infants build an understanding of the world by integrating with experiences such as seeing and hearing with physical, motoric actions. Infants obtain knowledge of the world from the physical actions they carry out on it. Piaget 's divide sensorimotor stage into six-sub stages. The first stage is simple reflexes which happens first month after birth, here infants learn rooting and sucking reflexes. The second stage called first habits and primary circular reactions occurs during one to four months of age. Infants creates habits resulting in repetitive action of an action. The third stage is primary circular reactions, infants try to reconstruct an experience that initially occurred by chance. Here infant 's own body is center of attention and there 's no outward pull by environmental events. The fourth stage is secondary circular reactions which occur from 4-8 months of age. Infant becomes more object-object oriented. However, infant 's schemes are not intentional or goal-directed. The fourth stage is coordination of secondary circular reactions which happens about 8-12 months of age. Here, infant coordinates vision and touch which uses hands and eyes. Actions are more outwardly directed, infants combine previously learned schemes in coordinated way and occur presence of intentionality. The fifth stage is tertiary circular reactions, novelty & curiosity which happen during 12-18 months of age. Infants intrigued by the many properties of objects, and it 's their starting point for human curiosity and interest in novelty. The last stage, internalization of schemes occurring at 18-24 months of age and Infant at this stage develops ability to use primitive symbols. By the end of the