
Examples Of Cultural Competence In Nursing

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Culture competence
With over 194 countries in the world, every country has own beliefs, language, customs and traditions which called culture. In other words, every place has own personality that form it or make it distinguished from others. As a result, people have to understand, adapt, respect and accept the different cultures which called culture competence. It defined that Cultural competence refers to the ability to coordinate or interact with other people who have different cultures (InFOMORY.com). In other words, a person who can deal with people who have different ethnicity or background, it is considered as especial trait because it will help him/her a lot where ever you are during dealing with people. In general, Culture competence is a very important factor that influences a person 's culture, values and beliefs. Also, it considered a step for learning about the various cultures and forming background about many cultures. In addition to that it has a major role in nursing field which is developing the method of providing care. In other words, the main target of cultural competent health care services is providing the highest level of care to every patient, regardless of race, ethnicity, cultural background, English proficiency or literacy (Health Policy Institute). In this case, we faced multi opinions toward culture competence in nursing. These opinions that support cultural competence in nursing for many reasons which are providing suitable care, proper
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