
Examples Of Judgement In The First American Indians

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“The less amount of judging we can do, the better off we are.” -Michael J. Fox. I am a naysayer. Judging someone too quickly is a grave mistake, which happens to be a mistake people make quite often. 75% of people unfairly judge at least one person a month. This judgment causes unjust prejudices that cause divisions. The United States is a united country as it says in its name, so these divisions are not ideal. In this essay, topics on how things divide the country are discussed and why. Here are the things we can do to promote equality and improve society in the United States. We need to judge people based on their actions and not their race, break down walls of judgment, accept each other, and lead by example. To promote equality, we need …show more content…

In “The First Americans Indians” The Grand Council Fire of American Indians tells of Indians who are convicted for the same actions the white men committed, except the white men were idolized for it. “White men who rise to protect their property are called patriots—Indians who do the same are called murderers.” (para 3) The judgment shown was based solely on race and not on their actions. Both parties committed the same actions, yet they got different reactions. In the movie Invictus, when Nelson Mandella was elected president, the white people in the country were scared he was going to be a bad president and take things away from them, but instead he was one of the best presidents they ever had. Not only did he unite their country, but he also softened the years of legalized segregation to the point where mostly everybody could get along. He also donated a third of his paycheck to charity to help the poor. They judged harshly just because of the color of his skin, yet he was one of the best presidents and helped them so much. Judging based solely on the color of skin is a mistake that could cost so much, and truthfully not something we should be willing to

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