Though these theories are outdated, elements of the theories are still found in modern theories. One theory in particular, the situational leadership theory is still used in companies and is popular with training organizations. The reason for this is that the theory is easy to understand and has an instinctive logic to it. Unfortunately research has showed the theory to be incorrect, which is why it is not supported, nor further researched anymore. When you will start analyzing your organization’s LD process, it is not unlikely you will find this theory still being used, as it was quite popular in the ´80´s. But we should be realistic, that was 40 years ago.
Value-based theories (1980 -)
Value-based theories are the ´latest´ developments in
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Early research demonstrated that transformational leadership was a particular powerful source in military settings, however, more recent research has demonstrated that transformational leadership behaviors have been shown to positively impact a wide range of individual and organizational outcomes in a variety of contexts, including military, sport, business, public sector and education. With the strong emphasis on motivation and information-sharing as the basis for the continued success of modern organizations, leadership has recently been suggested as a key factor for engaging employees and for creating innovative organizations …show more content…
• They should develop the policies, strategies, and structures that transform the guiding ideas into business initiatives.
• They must create effective learning processes through which the policies, strategies, and structures can be continuously improved .
Also in the definition of strategic leaders, both management as well as leadership elements are part of the task spectrum of a leader. For this book, this model of the connection between leadership and management is adopted.
In ancient work a number of characteristics of current management thinking can already be found. It did not carry across the ages, but had to be re-invented in the start of the 20th century.
The concept of a leader as a person, who uses other means than their position power, is a relative new concept and has only been studied since about 100 years. Leadership is defined as the conscious changing of behavior of others in order to obtain pre-defined targets. Management is changing behavior of people by means of systems or processes; it is indirect leadership.
Talents are those people who add a disproportional amount of value to the company, versus the cost to their