Explain How To Develop A Personal Professional Development Plan

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Professional networks are highly valuable in professional development. A professional network is typically made up of people who are in the same industry and job line as you. Some will be more experienced than you and some will be less experienced than you. By having people around who understand the job that you are doing, allows for you to ask questions on what is working for them and for them to offer advice.
Professional networks often meet regularly and will discuss new industry news which may have an impact on the way that you are working and perhaps lead to the need for further training which may be provided within the network.
Professional bodies are also very beneficial to professional development in the workplace. A professional body is usually a non-profit organisation which seeks to further a particular profession, along with the interests of the individuals engaged in that profession and the public interest. There are a number of …show more content…

Typically a personal professional development plan is draw up with the assistance of either a Manager, senior member of staff or team leader.

Typically the first step towards developing a personal professional development plan is to review your current skills, weaknesses and strengths. You will also then need to look at any upcoming projects/tasks to see if your skills match the ones required. Being aware of your industry as a whole is also recommended; this will allow you to be prepared for any shifts such as technology and will help to future proof the company by developing skills over time. The review has to be honest and this is where the help of a manager is beneficial, as they should be able to provide constructive criticism and see clearly what the individuals strengths