Explain How You Can Dramatically Change The Way You Work With Others Essay

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By having the opportunity to learn more about yourself, it can dramatically change the way you work with others. Once you realize everyone’s reasoning for everything, it can overall be a benefit. An individual’s emotions can play a big part on the situation. The ability to control and be aware of ones emotions is emotional intelligence. Having emotional intelligence is something everyone has, just some more than others. Being aware of others emotions is also an attribute. By being an SJ temperament (Guardian), based on the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, we are viewed as the “Cornerstones of Society.” Doing tasks by the book without taking short cuts is the most efficient way and taking part in “Law and Order” is our implementation of continuance commitment. Completing anything last minute has me questioning myself whether or not I even did it correctly in the first place. In the business world, thinking on your feet is a strength; however, something big not planned beforehand is disastrous. Thinking on my feet is not …show more content…

By working in a team with multiple managers, everyone needs to have a specific role that he or she takes part in. I am the only one with an advanced education, so I am looked at by my team members as the person to find the final resort for an issue. Most of the time, I am treated with my respect, except by those that have been in the company for several more years than myself. Over time, I stuck to myself and everything has evened out. Everyone in our group is an effective team player. Looking back, there were several work relationships that could have been done differently, I do not blame it on others whatsoever. My ability to adapt to my interpersonal skills was lacking. Once I reach the finish line with my education and move on in my career, I will be able to take on the challenges a lot easier by having the newfound knowledge of